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Disruption is our DNA

In other words, our desire is to break the mould with innovative services, in a market with no apparent room for manoeuvre: the tyre market. So since 2009, WYZ hasn’t just contemplated – it has created a full range of digital tyre solutions, which ensure an availability rate of nearly 100%. To achieve this, the Group focuses on two separate activities:

  • Developing turnkey digital solutions for buying and managing tyres, which can be standard or customised and are intended for key accounts in the automotive sector: manufacturers and after-sales networks.
  • Global and complementary tyre supply: our web tools manage all manufacturer workflows and offer an individually tailored stopgap solution – thanks to agreements with wholesalers across Europe– as well as an availability rate of nearly 100%.


“We bank on disruption, and that is why we created B2B and B2B2C platforms and models that did not exist before. But what really set us apart from the rest, was having done so on the basis of cross-sectoral partnerships with key accounts. Our web disruption model is shared, and then passed on by our clients, who have adapted our tools and allowed us to improve them.”   Pierre Guirard

Operational managers

A visionary and operational founder …

After a first career in the tyre division of an automotive supplier and an executive MBA at HEC, Pierre Guirard imagines innovative digital solutions and the business models that go with them. He decided to launch his own company in 2009, from his garage and determined to revolutionize the tyre market!

15 years later, a management team of 7 people surrounds Pierre Guirard, the President of WYZ Group. This team actively participates in decision making, takes part in the construction of the company’s strategic project and pilots huit departments that bring together men and women who are experts in their field: IT, Finance, Data, Customer Services, Commerce and Performance.

In just a few years, the start-up has evolved, becoming an SME in 2015 and accelerating its international development.

Photo de Bruno Cohen

The associates

Around the management team, another experienced team shines, that of the WYZ Group partners.

In June 2021, within the framework of a large-scale capital operation, Bpifrance (via the Avenir Automobiles 2 Fund) and BNP Développement join WYZ’s historical partners, Pierre Guirard, Jean Michel Aulas (HOLNEST) and Generis Capital.

No introduction is required for Jean-Michel Aulas, Chairman of Holnest. His business instinct prompted him to back WYZ in its early stages and to support it effectively, with the help of Patrick Bertrand and Alexandre Aulas.

“After 10 years spent with Pierre Guirard and his teams, we are very pleased with this reinforcement of the financial means with prestigious partners, which will allow WYZ Group to pass a new stage in its development. We are very proud of the path we have taken and look forward to the future with great serenity and ambition.” Jean Michel Aulas

The management company Generis Capital renews its financial support to WYZ Group. It is notably on the basis of its active support to the Entreprendre network, that WYZ in 2015, made the choice of this trusted partner, represented by Edouard Daudier de Cassini.