Our six values
The WYZ culture is based on six fundamental values that the group wishes to share with its teams, suppliers and customers.

The customer is king
Listening to the customer is the solid basic principle on which WYZ Group has been built. By taking care to listen to the market and the customer, WYZ has been able to offer a platform in line with real demand. These principles of listening, attention and anticipation are values that still guide the managers today and that they pass on to their teams every day.
“Customers are at the center of our daily concerns in order to offer them the best at all times. We are constantly monitoring the needs of the market and our customers. We listen to them, exchange and build together the digital tools of today and tomorrow.”
Jean-Philippe DUHOUX – Head of European Business Development

Living together
Today, more than ever, living together is one of the strong values of Team WYZ. The development of each individual and the success of the group are based on the benevolence that we put into our relationships, both in person and remotely. Trust, mutual respect, tolerance and acceptance of the plurality of opinions and cultures constitute the fundamentals of the relationships we build between us and define, in the same spirit, the freedom of each team member.
Paradoxically, the strength of the group is also its individuality. It is the personal behavior of each person, everywhere, all the time, that will give meaning to the whole.
By inviting us to take care of our personal presentation and our way of expressing ourselves (both orally and in writing), WYZ relies on the self-management skills of each member of its team in all circumstances: between colleagues, with customers or with suppliers.
But this value also includes WYZ Group’s desire to “give back” what it has been given.
WYZ’s managers therefore offer part of their time and open their address books to support new entrepreneurs.
As Pierre Guirard clearly states: “Without the help of our partners, WYZ Group would not be what it is today”

Team spirit
At WYZ, it is inconceivable not to “play as a team”. It is the very essence of the group, since its creation. A value of life, borrowed from sports, which induces the notions of mutual aid, solidarity, cohesion, but also integration.
Acting together in the common interest to achieve our goals, being efficient and productive: this could be the motto of the WYZ Team!
Our success depends on our ability to develop and surpass ourselves together to win.
“As leaders, we must ensure that the collective is more than the sum of its parts.” Pierre GUIRARD
The work
Work seems obvious in any company, but it is even more so at WYZ. The work here is the collective. Like in a big anthill, all the members of WYZ work for its good functioning, in autonomy and towards a common objective. Working at WYZ means diligence, both in the realization of a project and in the follow-up of a client. Working at WYZ is an accomplishment, the assurance of recognition, certainly for the group, but above all for oneself.

Respect for commitment
Whether it is listening to the customer, developing and delivering new tools, or training with other employees, WYZ Group cultivates respect for commitments.
No compromise on this subject!
“Respecting the commitment given is a priority for WYZ. The setting up of a Performance Department is an illustration of this, so that all WYZ processes are geared towards achieving this objective. This includes the involvement of all the teams with an HR strategy that encourages the development and fulfillment of employees, as well as the effective monitoring of our customer projects.”
Joelle GUIRARD – Performance Director